RYA Training Centre
The club is a fully recognised Royal Yachting Association (RYA) training centre and conducts a range of practical and shorebased courses for dinghies, powerboats and cruisers.
The club owns a fleet of dinghies including Teras, Picos and Fevas maintained to a high standard. The centrepiece is the junior dinghy sailing programme which operates five times a week between April and July, but the club offers courses for all ages from beginners to race training..
Shorebased RYA courses include Competent Crew, Day and Coastal Skipper, First Aid, VHF Short Range Certificate and Diesel Engine Maintenance..
The IOMYC also hosts powerboat training for safety boat volunteers, covering the RYA Powerboat Level 2 and RYA Safety Boat courses.
Last updated 18:40 on 6 June 2022