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Sailing Instructions

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Rules and safety instruction for Sailing

Sailing Instructions

1. Rules

Racing will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, RYA prescriptions, appropriate class rules and these instructions.

2. Entries

Races are open to members of yacht clubs affiliated to the RYA (or equivalent National authority). Entries must be completed in advance online at (events) for each series, race or regatta.

3. Safety

(a) The safety of a boat and her entire management including insurance is the

sole responsibility of the owner/person in charge who must ensure that the boat and crew are adequate to face conditions that may arise. These sailing instructions neither limit nor reduce the absolute responsibility of the owner/person in charge for the crew, the boat and her management. The IOMYC shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury howsoever caused to the owner/person in charge or crew, as a result of their taking part. Moreover, every owner/person in charge warrants the suitability of the boat.

(b) The wearing of buoyancy aids or lifejackets is compulsory at all times when afloat in dinghies and recommended on all craft.

(c) Entrants are required to carry third party and passenger liability insurance of no less than £3 million.

(d) In all cases, Carthure Rocks (Perch) shall be left to landward.

4. Notices to competitors

Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice-boards in the


5. Changes to Sailing Instructions

Changes to the sailing instructions will be posted not later than one hour before the start of a race and signal flags will be displayed on the club balcony flagpole. Changes to the race schedule will be posted not less than 24 hours before the start.

6. Keelboat class

Coastal races

(a) Starting signals will be flown from the flagpole on the end of Alfred Pier.

Warning signal numeral pennant 1.

(b) Races will be started in accordance with Rule 26.

(c) Recalls will be in accordance with Rule 29.

(d) Rule 30 will not apply.

(e) Courses will be posted in the clubhouse and/or transmitted on VHF channel

72 prior to each race.

(f) Start/Finish

(i) The start/finish line will be between the flagpole on the end of Alfred Pier

and the outer limit Harbour Mark (OLM) NE towards Carthure Perch.

(ii) The OLM may also be used as a turning mark of the course.

(g) Shortening course

Yachts will maintain a VHF radio watch on channel 72. If the RO or pathfinder in a buoys race decides to change the course, yachts will be advised by radio and take their own time accordingly. Unless specifically stated, the finish line will normally be between Alfred Pier and the Harbour Mark.

Buoys races

(h) The nominated yacht will transmit the chosen course on channel 72 before the timing sequence, transmit a 5-4-1-minute countdown then act as pathfinder starting the race at a suitable leeward pin end mark.

(i) At the start time, the pathfinder will pass the pin end mark to port, opening the gate close-hauled on port tack for approximately a quarter mile, which may be reduced where sea-room is limited.

(j) Yachts will start on starboard tack, sailing astern of the pathfinder leaving the pin end mark to port ensuring no interference with the pathfinder.

(k) Club marks include: Scarlett, Pooilvaash, Fishers, Carrick, Bay, Kallow and Harbour marks.

(l) Time Limits

Rule 35 will not apply. The time limit will be posted with the course instructions for each race. Only yachts finishing within the time limit will be deemed to have completed the course.

(m) Protests

Protests will be written on RYA forms available in the club office and delivered to the Race Officer or his representative within one hour of the last boat finishing.

(n) Scoring

In a series, Appendix A (Low scoring system) will apply. Two races will constitute a series. There will be no discards.

(o) Navigation

Entrants are reminded to take great care when sailing close inshore especially around LW.

Regatta races

Keelboats may use the following dinghy SI's (with longer race durations) and which may incorporate one or more of the fixed marks - see (k).

7. Dinghy classes

(a) Starting Signals

Code flags will be flown from the mast of the committee boat.

Handicap dinghy class - numeral pennant 1.

(b) Starting

Races will be started in accordance with Rule 26.

(c) Recalls will be in accordance with Rule 29.

(d) Starting line

The starting line will be between the mast of the committee boat at the starboard end and the port end starting mark.

(e) Marks and course

(i) Marks will normally be 30-inch yellow buoys.

(ii) A red or green flag displayed prior to the warning signal will indicate whether marks after starting are to be rounded to port (red) or starboard (green).

(iii) The course will be indicated by a letter displayed on the committee

boat and sailed according to the following illustration (port hand course, not to scale):

T 1,2,3,1,2,3 and so on

S 1,3,1,3 and so on

P 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 and so on passing through the start/finish line 'gate' at mark 3 on both upwind and downwind legs.

X 1,4,1,4 and so on passing through the start/finish line 'gate' on upwind legs.

(f) Finish Line

The finish line will be between the mast of the committee boat displaying a blue flag and the nearby mark.

(g) Handicap system

The Average Lap/Portsmouth number system will apply.

(h) Protests

Protests will be written on RYA forms available in the club office and delivered to the Race Officer within one hour of the last boat's finish in the final race of the session.

(i) Scoring

In a series of 4 sessions, Appendix A (Low score system) will apply. Four races will constitute a series. Discards: 2 if 8 or more races are completed, 1 if 7 races are completed.

(j) General

When conditions permit, the normal pattern for a dinghy racing session will be two races, each of approximately 20 to 40 minutes duration, sailed back-to-back. An extra race may be sailed if conditions permit.

Last updated 15:59 on 18 February 2024

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